May 9, 2009

BECK R. MEIER - Movie Time
Click the next three pictures for Movies, file size is 1.5MB

Beck enjoys banging his feet brace on the floor.

Beck's nice smile, after Dad whoots like an Owl.

Beck is rolling over and lifting his head now.
He really squawks at the end. Is "What" his first word?

Beck the Bear Cub, ready for cooler weather.

Beck hanging out with Dad.

Bath time with Mommy.

All Clean!

Getting his daily exercise with Mommy.

Baptism at First Presbyterian Church
Beck with his Godmother Dana, Pastor Charlotte, and Church Elder David.
Knox is holding onto our Baby Zimmy Teddybear.

Pastor Charlotte Baptizing Beck.
What a wonderful day!

Pastor Charlotte is introducing Beck to his new Church Family.
Knox is ready with a towel to help wipe up the water.

Poppo visiting DC. We're resting while Mommy shops for flowers and herbs at a nearby Monastary.
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